Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis
HTMA is a valuable, non-intrusive, screening tool that analyses the mineral composition in your hair giving you a reliable indicator of the mineral stores in your body.
Are mineral deficiencies, excesses, imbalances or toxic elements contributing to your health issues?
Why have a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis?
Minerals are essential for our health & wellbeing and are the ‘spark-plugs’ of life!
We need the right ratios of minerals in our body to maintain our body’s acid-base & water balance, cope with stress, nerve conduction & muscle contraction, maintain good blood sugar control, hormone & reproductive health as well as perform thousands of enzyme processes.
While a balanced diet is the best way to obtain all the minerals our body needs, our modern ultra-process and modified diet, farming practices, environmental toxins & stressful lives are making it difficult to obtain what we need. All of these factors affects our nutritional status which can contribute to the development or continuation of health conditions.
Having a HTMA can indicate what minerals you need to (and don’t need to) supplement and what foods you should concentrate on or avoid for you metabolic type.
Book a Discovery Call if you would like to find out more about Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis and it could help you.
Note: An 90-minute initial consultation must be undertaken before a HTMA can be ordered.
Find more pieces of your health puzzle - like I did!
When I had my first HTMA, it confirmed how I felt - I was completely burnt out and it was not ‘all-in-my-head! I was in the exhaustion stage of the stress response, my low cellular magnesium levels explained why I was suffering daily palpitations, chest pains, migraines, insomnia and hypoglycemia. My adrenals were struggling badly which helped explain the debilitating fatigue I was experiencing. It even confirmed that I was experiencing low stomach acid which was contributing to malabsorption of nutrients in my gut. It took the guesswork out of what was going in my body and what mineral supplements I actually needed.