Embrace Your Life
Supporting tired, stressed & burnt-out people find the missing pieces of their unique health puzzle so they can experience optimal wellbeing, energy & vitality
“Nearly all disease can be traced to a nutritional deficiency“
-Linus Pauling - Two-time Nobel Prize Winner
Welcome! Are you ready to start embracing your life?
My personal experience with burnout and PTSD lead me to discover the amazing power of nutrition and realise just how much we have lost our way over the years. It made me realise that we have lost sight of the actual reason we eat (which is to extract the nutrients from the food we consume so our body can function as it should) as well as the fact that we are all individuals with different genetics and personal needs.
After a couple of decades of demanding shift work I was completely burnt out. I was experienced a myriad of symptoms including hypoglycaemia, insomnia, migraines, pain throughout my body, brain fog, weight gain and fatigue (not to mention the PTSD symptoms of night sweats, night terrors and flashbacks) which left me barely able to function on a daily basis. When I finally identified the nutritional imbalances and deficiencies in my body and started to address them, my symptoms started to dissipate, my energy, vitality, cognition and ability to cope with stress started to return and my sleep improved.
“Every time you eat or drink you are either fighting disease or feeding it”
- Heather Morgan
I can help you address the biological, physical & emotional aspects of your health
Clinical Nutrition Consultations
Discover what may be contributing to your health concerns and how and what to eat for your unique body and health issues.
Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis
Identify what is happening in your body on a cellular level and what mineral deficiencies, excesses and imbalances are contributing to your health presentation.
DNA Health & Wellness Testing
Find out how your unique genetic blueprint is impacting on your health and how to best support your genes.
Gut Ecology & Metabolic Modulation (G.E.M.M.)
The G.E.M.M. Protocol addresses the root causes of ill-health through optimising the function of all human cells. The Food-First philosophy of the G.E.M.M Protocol is designed to educate and sustain long-term food and lifestyle changes to empower your own self-care and prevention of future illness.
“Trauma creates change you don’t choose.
Healing is about creating change you do choose”
— Michelle Rosenthal