Gut Ecology & Metabolic Modulation (G.E.M.M.)
The G.E.M.M. Protocol
The G.E.M.M. protocol is a way to improve your gut and overall health by utilising your body’s own defence mechanisms and healing abilities. It utilises an inclusive diet together with effective natural therapeutics to encourage your body to heal itself.
The cells of the Gut-Immune Network send thousands of biochemical signals throughout the body, normalising the function of many cells in other parts of the body. When your cells are functioning at their peak, your body can begin to repair itself, regardless of the names of any conditions you may have. The science of Nutrigenomics plays an important role in the programme’s success. Nutrigenomics is the science that investigates how certain food molecules are like signals that ‘talk to our genes’, promoting either health or disease, depending on what foods we eat.
Why is G.E.M.M. different from other gut repair systems?
The human body is an interconnected network of many different types of cells. No single body organ or system can function independently, so it makes sense to use treatment approaches that focus initially on the function of the microscopic cells before attempting to treat specific poorly-functioning organs which may have led to disease.
Working at the cellular level, the G.E.M.M. principles have their foundation in the integration of several branches of science including Nutrigenomics, Microbiology, Cell Biology and Immunology.
Both gentle and effective, G.E.M.M. aims to restore and maintain the inbuilt defensive mechanisms within every cell of the body, progressively improving organs and systems that have been functioning poorly.
Your clinician will initially focus on the single layer of cells lining the digestive tract – the gut epithelium. These remarkable cells are directly connected to the cells of the immune network below them. Restoring balance to the Gut-Immune interface creates the foundation for healthy communication with the trillions of other cells throughout the body. In this way, targeting gut function is the first step in restoring overall health.
Is this programme underpinned by science?
The G.E.M.M. Protocol was developed by Australian Nutritional Biochemist, Dr Christine Houghton PhD, who after several decades in clinical practice, realised that existing therapies for addressing gut health, metabolic and other chronic diseases were not effectively targeting the underlying causes of ill health. All aspects of the G.E.M.M. Protocol have their foundation in peer-reviewed scientific evidence.
Does G.E.M.M. require a specific ‘diet’?
G.E.M.M. promotes a Diet of Inclusion, not Diets of Exclusion. A few foods may need to be excluded initially when embarking on G.E.M.M but the ultimate aim of the G.E.M.M. Protocol is to encourage a diverse array of minimally-processed whole foods which are introduced sequentially as you progress through the programme. With G.E.M.M., most food intolerances become a thing of the past.
With G.E.M.M, you will leave fad diets at the door to enjoy foods that are both delicious and nutritious!
What conditions does this approach treat?
Whilst G.E.M.M. initially addresses the function of the gut, it then works to improve the function of all bodily systems. The nutrigenomically-active ingredients in the formulations together with the underlying diet help to improve the function of all the body’s cells at a fundamental level.
What this means is that the name of your condition doesn’t matter very much. G.E.M.M. adopts the principles of Nature to restore cellular function in whatever tissue or organ your condition lies.